Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Gunnister coat

Here are some photographs of the coat worn by a chap dug up in the C20th at Gunnister in Shetland. He had probably been there since the late C17th, but his clothes were very worn and mended and are consistent with the middle and even early-middle of the C17th.

I've added a page of sketches - top ones made at the museum, lower three are my ideas of how it was constructed, based on what I could see and very much NOT to scale!
DAMN! It also persists in being upside-down. Curses. Okay, either stand on your head to read, or do something clever like right-click to save image and then rotate it... I did that but it seems only to want to upload the original which is upside-down...

These pictures show the jacket's skirts, after a discussion about where the triangular gores referred to in the Technical Report are inserted.
After much peering up his skirts and lying on the floor of the museum causing much bemusement to Japanese tour parties at whom I just smiled and waved, my conclusion is that the inserts are just BEHIND the side, and not where one might expect them in the front off-centre.

I could see all the seams clearly, including the joining seams making "pieced" pattern-pieces (ie one sleeve made from 2 bits, t'other made from 3), and the front of the left-hand side of the coat-skirt is closest to the viewer and I couldn't see any sign of stitching, joining or anything indicating an insert. There is a heavy fold but I think this is just the effect of the front leading-edge being flared in cutting.

It is hard to see behind his arm and I don't think it shows in the pics but as far as I could see, the area just behind his elbow has what looks like a box-pleat, possibly with a covered button at the top of it, and at the bottom of this was definitely some overcasting stitching. I will try and do a sketch later.

So it looks like the inserts are just behind the elbow, kind of left-left-back. If the breastbone is North then it would be West-south-west!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Frantic sewing for tomorrow's voyage north for a weekend camping and being C17th with the re-enactment mob.

Weather forecast is for bitter cold, sleet and snow, becoming very windy...!

So - I've nearly finished the stays (straps and top binding still to do; all else done and looking good although slightly too big). I've got the linen shift my pal made me last summer. I've got long grey woollen stockings (and am being inauthentic by wearing knee-length black leggings as well). I'm borrowing latchet shoes.
And I've got last summer's bodice of dark grey fine wool, which now is a bit big for me as it was made without stays.
And I've got my new skirt - 4 Scotch ells* sewn together with vertical seams, cartridge-pleated onto a waistband; one eyelet-hole and the other side of waist has a length of ribbon sewn on.
Once on and the fastening hidden to one side, I'll be wearing my last season's skirt (oh daaahling, that is sooo last season!) over it but with the front seam opened and the corners tucked up to kilt it. I've re-hemmed it so it's a little shorter than the lighter-grey petticoat under it.

Then I've a linen coif on my head and a linen kerchief round my neckline, and a black woollen shawl for extra warmth.

I think it will look quite good... no time for photos just now.

I hope it will be very warm!!!


*37.1 inches