Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First, catch your hare...

... as Mrs. Beeton may or may not have written. I must check that some time or other. The first posting in an occasional weblog about ways and means of running a household in the historical past; ranging from hand-sewing clothes to scrubbing floors, from hierarchical practices of a stately home to managing in a tent.

I think that's about it for now. I hope to add photographs at some point, either of Things Wot I Made or of Things Wot I Done.
And lots and lots of references. Oodles of those. You can never have too many good reliable sources.

And an occasional borrowed old image like that above linked from cartoonstock.com. A classic Punch-esque comment!

Thankyou for your time, ladles and jellyspoons,

The Historical* Housekeeper

*and, occasionally, hysterical...

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